Stepparent Adoption FAQ’s

Being a parent may be a job that you’re ready to undertake. However, it’s not always as simple as getting pregnant. It’s not uncommon for our new spouse to bring children to marriage in today’s society. Understanding what’s required for you to legally adopt them as a stepparent is essential to the future safety of
Nicole Young, soon-to-be ex-wife to Dr. Dre is asking for almost $2 million spousal support monthly after filing for divorce. One would wonder why she would ask for such a huge amount for alimony. She broke down the sum to monthly expenses stated in legal documents such as $135,000 on clothes, $20,000 on phone and
An elderly couple, led by Sadhu Ram, filed a case against his three sons Anil Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Rajeev Kumar, and his daughter in law Anchall for threatening to kill him if he did not divide his property between the four. This is a breach of family law and divorce law and a property division
If you are paying arrears in child support, you’re not alone. Many parents, usually fathers, continue to pay child support toward their child even after they have reached the age of 18. You may even find yourself paying well after your child has reached adulthood and has made a life of their own, or even
The Covid-19 pandemic has most of the country struggling to get back to some sort of normality. However, normal is an entirely subjective term that by all accounts is inadequate, if not appropriate, when referring to court-mandated child custody and visitation. As hindsight shows, families in the system deserve to achieve a better state of
Corona-virus pandemic has infiltrated all aspects of our lives today. People are now facing new challenges as the virus has interrupted our normal lives. The Pandemic has impacted several aspects of life, such as the education systems, the economy, and it’s now creeping into people’s marriages and romantic relationships. Lawyers for family issues and relationship