Wrongful death lawsuits are filed in situations where someone dies as a result of another person’s negligent or intentional act. These kinds of lawsuits are usually reserved for traffic collisions and product liability, the state of Alabama is seeing a wrongful death lawsuit that breaks the mold.
The COVID-19 pandemic has strained multiple industries and caused many populations to suffer. Unfortunately, the elderly have suffered on both ends of this spectrum; they are very much in danger of succumbing to illness if they contract the virus, and nursing homes have been forced to constrict visitations and many are short-staffed.
While you may just want to move on and make the relationship with your ex-spouse a painful memory, Toronto law makes it impossible to sever ties right away. One of the arrangements that family court lawyers in Ontario have to plan for is spousal support.
Britney Spears is one of the highest-selling pop singers in American history, and for much of her three-decade career, she has not been in control of her life or her finances. After her very public mental breakdown in 2007, she was placed under a conservatorship, with her father in control of her finances. The “Toxic”
Domestic violence is a tragedy that many people, often women, face every day. This epidemic affects 20 people each minute, which adds up to more than 10 million women and men annually. These statistics become even more alarming when you find out that 1 in 4 women are physically abused by a romantic partner in

7 Types of Elder Abuse

As someone ages, they become physically and mentally weaker, and this makes them easier to take advantage of. As many as five million elders are abused annually, and elder abuse lawyers in Ontario believe that only 1 in 24 cases are reported to authorities.