What was once the marriage of the decade has quickly spiraled into a relationship without any hope for survival. Both Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are calling it quits on their almost seven-year marriage. News began to break out early in January about troubles that the young couple was facing.
COVID-19 continues to devastate America. Millions of people have been infected and hospitalized and hundreds of thousands have died from the virus. Children throughout the country have been kept out of school, and no one knows when these public spaces will be safe for normal operation.

4 Phases of Litigation

Tort law gives remedy to those who have suffered material injury due to the action or inaction of another. If you have been physically, mentally, or financially hurt by another party, then you can claim compensation from them. Accidents are the most common form of tort cases. If you were injured in a car accident
Elder homes provide care for people in their senior years. If you have an elderly loved one in such a facility, you have no doubt heard about the threat posed to them by COVID-19. What you may have heard less about is the other primary risk factor that has increased since the pandemic: elder abuse.
Trusts have long been a way that particularly wealthy families have strategically outwitted many legal and financial issues. Any family lawyer Ontario can explain the many benefits that come along with setting up a trust. The most obvious being that your heirs can easily avoid probate and the cost of probate Attorneys Ontario
Federal court documents revealed that Erika Jayne and Tom Girardi embezzled settlement funds that were intended for the victims of the Lion Air Flight 610. Known better as one of the characters of the Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills, Erika Jayne and her ex-husband are being sued by Edelson PC. This is a class-action firm